Over all I liked how it turned out!
Yeah really short post, I know! Just My Family is getting ready to move back to the U.S.A in July. So Probably won't get many other posts until later on.
Here is a halter I made! (I made this so long ago, I just never posted it until now) Over all I liked how it turned out! Yeah really short post, I know! Just My Family is getting ready to move back to the U.S.A in July. So Probably won't get many other posts until later on.
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Have a great easter! Don't forget to thank our wonderful God! For He sent his son Jesus to die on a cross, and save us from our sins! HE IS RISEN!!!!
Just a funny pic I made! Have a good, (or a bad) April fools day! (to those of you who actully celebrate it!) really funny!!! And weird? But it suits this day... **didn't make this one**
I have finally gotten my very first Traditionals!!!! (besides my pony) GG Valentine, and hearbreaker, Are abosolutly perfect!!!! I love them sooooooooooo MUCH!!! Now that I have "trads", I honestly don't think I'll ever go back to classics!!! well until next time...
It's not perfect, But Waaaaaaaay better than my last attempt! It's more of a princess/midevil/arabian costume? It's very sparkly!!! *****SPARCKLES!!!!***** Oh,...right.... I Think it's okay for the second try.... Just waiting for somone to do a tutorial...(hint, hint)... This costume has really been finished months ago.... I just didn't find time to post about it... I'm already working on a fully embroidered one... but I've gotten stuck :( So if someone could do a tutorial that would be fantasic!!!
New Spirit stories ep 3 Is ready to read! I have the pics for ep 4 but I want to leave you hang'n for a bit... MuuuHAHA!!! ( I laugh Evily) I'm bored So I Thought I would show you some of my pets! This is Trixie. Our lab puppy! She's SO Adorable! And VERY NUAGHTY! This is Trooper. My other dog. He is a crosse between a Dobermen and a Rotweiler. He raelly spoiled. We didn't spiol him! His old owner's did. So He a big jelous, spioled, BABY, And Brat!!! (I don't mean baby as a complament!) These are my Bugies Angel and Rio! I'm hoping the'll have cicks but... It hasn't happend yet... I have a hamster, and fish too... but don't have any pic of them. My computer crashed so I had to get a new one. I know I missed two "breed of the month" But I'll just skip them. No I didn't get any breyers for christmas, but that's okay! Besides my Bday is June 29th. (I know what I'm asking for... ) Anyway I found this video quite helpful! I'll eventully make one. But I'm out of leather. :( I know zero, zip, nadda, about harnesses. So I don't know if this person's video is really... correct?... in how it's made but looks good to me! Know what would make my Christmas even Better? At least ONE Breyer horse.
That would be great! But I don't know if that will happen... Oh well. We'll see... I did ask for a fish tank. That was number 1# on my list. But my grandma send a package. So that could make a possibility! Have a Merry CHRISTMAS! (I realized I didn't do December's yet!) POODLES!!! (Look closely or you might not be able to tell... BUT that's a dog!!!) Wait...What?!! HEY! We're talking about horses here! The Bashkir Curly horse! Wow.... I didn't know there was such a breed until now! Wow! Guess what people who are allergic to horses! Search no more! Now you can have the horse of your dreams! Because just like poodles, they are hypo-allergenic! Fuzzy horses! Okay, I'm done with typing... let's just drool over the pics! "Can you hear ME??!!!" you ask you pony. Ooooh... This one's cute!!! Okay that's all for now. Enjoy your holidays!
And eat all the junk,.. I mean,... Food... you want! |
Hello!I've had breyers ever since I was little. But only a few years ago I discovered all that you can do with them! So bear with me! Archives
May 2014
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